Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Class 5 7EGB: New Social Actors in Ecuador.

New Social Actors:
Industrialization and modernization originated big and small companies and factories which strengthened the bourgeois businessmen.  This also originated the working class, labour unions and more worker and farmers organizations. Finally the appearance of new banks gives bankers a new economic level incising their money.
Indigenous movements
These movements increased and got stronger during the 1960’s and 1970’s. They fought for equal rights and equal working conditions. Their struggle started with the agrarian reform and it is the main objective of this groups. Some examples are:
·         FENOC o FENOCIN (Federación Nacional de Federaciones Campesinas)
·         FEI (Federación Ecuatoriana de Indios)
·         FEINE (Federación Ecuatoriana de Indios Evangélicos)
·         ECUARUNARI
Pro-gender groups
These groups claim for equality and respect to de gender diversity. Homosexuals and lesbians started fighting for their rights in the 1960’s, today their groups are legal and appeared in the constitution.
Because of the environmental damage and contamination in Ecuador, specially the Amazon region, ecologist and environmental groups appeared to protect nature and stop the indiscriminate use of resources.  In 1971 a law to protect National parks and sanctuaries is approved, and in 1974 the first environmentalist organization is founded, “Fundación Natura”.
Theology of Freedom
To defend the right of the poorest in Ecuador was born the theology of freedom movement. The leader to this movement is Monsignor Leonidas Proaño.
Women organizations
These organizations started fighting for gender equality and equal rights. One of their main objectives was to eliminate violence to women and their families.
Other religions
New religious groups arrive to our country during the 1960’s, such as Christians, Evangelicals, Mormons, etc.
Popular music and protest music arise in Latin America and Ecuador during the 1960’s and 1970’s. It has social and political lyrics. Singers like Facundo Cabral or Mercedes Sosa songs are some examples.

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