Friday, 11 December 2015

DCD's Block number 3

Block 3: The water, a way of life

DCD1: To describe the water cycle in the forest, from direct 0bservation, experimentation and the relationship of the climatic characteristics with soil moisture of this biome.

DCD2: To relate the evapotranspiration to the soil moisture and its influence in the biodiversity of the Biome of Forest, to the observation and interpretation of graphs and the description of phenomenon.

DCD3: To explain the importance of the water for the living beings of every natural region of the Ecuador, from the reflective analysis and the interpretation of the water like life source.

DCD4: To compare the taxismos and tropisms from the analysis of examples, description of graphics and videos, as well as the characterization of the responses of organisms to different stimulus.

DCD5: To recognize the relation of the geotropism and hydrotropism with the growth of the root system of the plants of the humid and dry forests, from the decoding of terms and the descriptive analysis of the structure of the roots and the direction of its growth.

DCD6: To identify the use of water as a source of energy production, from the description of its transformation from potential energy to kinetic and the experimentation of the phenomenon.

Social Studies

Block 3: Ecuador in the 19th and 20th Centuries

1. To examine the global context during the beginning of the XX century dominated by the growing capitalism throughout the analysis of the country linking to global markets while using the cacao boom which defined Ecuadorian society.
(Reinforce for Spanish class)

2. Describe how the Liberal Revolution gained power, from the time of Eloy Alfaro to the next stage (1895-1912) by means of identifying the main characteristics of a secular state, and defining the scope and consequences of the revolution. (Reinforce for Spanish class)

3. Establish importance of the growing changes in the society during secularism and modernity, by analysing daily life.

4. Recount main facts and process in the “liberalismo plutocrático” (plutocratic liberalism), the descended cacao industry, bankers’ governments and social riots.

5. To describe the cacao boom and the impact it had in Ecuadorian economy by presenting a company which export cacao and its related products.
Language Arts
Block 3: How do animals communicate? – What do different cultures give to the world? (Unit 7, 8, 9)

Unit 7
DCD1: To understand vocabulary on how animals move through identifying new vocabulary to activate students’ existing knowledge of animals.

DCD2: To demonstrate understanding of a narrative fiction text by discussing given questions and prompts to write a report.

DCD3: To develop communications skills to include expressing ideas of others by developing reported speech grammar structure using only “Said that”

Unit 8
DCD4: To comprehend how animals communicate through identifying new vocabulary in a text.

DCD5: To expand communications skills to include expressing ideas of others by developing reported speech grammar structure using only “Told me that”

DCD6: To read, understand and discuss a magazine article; to apply a reading strategy to improve comprehension.

Unit 9
DCD7: To understand words for culture and customs, by identifying meaning from context in a historical narrative text.

DCD8: To read, understand and discuss a historical narrative text; to apply a reading strategy to write a descriptive essay.

DCD9: To request information and details about any topic using different grammar structures to show interest in a conversation.

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