The African presence in Latin America has a profound affect
on the culture from Mexico to the Bahamas and Brazil. Black slaves and freedmen arrived in America
during the early stages of exploration and settlement. By the first decades of the sixteenth century
they were regularly participating in Spain's military expeditions. Spaniards
considered Indian workers to be weak and unreliable. Whenever possible they would buy African
slaves. This lead to and increase in the
importation of Africans. As the
agriculture of sugar and coffee increases, so did the demand for slaves.
Life was harsh
for the slave in Latin America. Some
slaves did have more freedoms than the slaves of North America. Marriage was allowed in some areas and some
slaves were even taught to read and write.
In fact, Colonial Brazil had the highest recorded number of legal
marriages among slave regions in Latin America. Whether in the
city or on a plantation, slaves were at the mercy of their owners. Runaways were common and even suicide was
and answer for some. Because most slaves
were baptized upon arrival to the New World, the Catholic Church did come to
the defense of slaves. Some brotherhoods
raised money to purchase the freedom of some of their slave members.
Please watch the video and answer the questions.
- Who were the empires involved in the slave trade in Latin America?
- Why did the above empires rely so much on slave labor?
- Why from Africa and not Native Americans?
- What was the triangular trade?
- What was the Middle Passage?
- When were slaves brought to Latin America?
- Where were slaves located in Latin America? (Specific countries)
- How did African slavery impact Latin America?
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