Thursday, 18 February 2016

Social Studies: July Revolution

Dear Students: Wathc the video, and answer the questions. Print the information you will find at the end, too.

Video about the July revolution:


1. What was the July revolution?
2. Why it happened?
3. When it happened?
4. What did the July revolution look for?
5. Why did the Kemmerer misión come to Ecuador?

Years of political turmoil

  • Cacao exportation crisis was the beginning of a long recession period that last until 1940.
  • Ecuador linked its economy with the international market through the cacao exportations. Our country was dependant of this product and when prices and production decrease, an economic crisis began.
  • Public work stopped and salary ceased, but prices and inflation rose.
  • Land lords and burgueses got weak. The Highlands was the least affected region.
  • Country's laws change, specially is aspects related to social protection and right for workers.
  • Economy in our country diversified. 
  • Industrial expansion began in the highlands with a wider textil growing.
  • Straw hats industry had a big growth.
  • Government took steps to recover and stabilize the economy and reduced the external debt.
  • Other agricultural products replaced cacao, such as coffee which was easier to export.
  • There were many protest for reclaiming the land. Cacao farmers became tenants.
  • In 1931 a indigenous movement motivated by the liberals started.
  • In 1938 the "Ley de Comunas", or Law of Communes, was adopted.
  • Also in this year, artisans created the CEDOC (Confederación ecuatoriana de obreros católicos) an organization formed by catholic workers and artisans.
  • In 1934 a new working organization appeared.
  • In the 1940's the first labour union congress took place. Our country experience a diversification of the economy and in the society, appearing new social and labour actors.
Reading comprehension:

Complete the sentences with the correct information:

1. Our country was dependant of the _______________, when it production and price decrease, an _____________________ began.

2. The industrial expansión began with ___________________ growing, specially in the highlands.

3. The _____________ was an easier product to export, so it replaced cacao.

4. The ______________ is the organization formed by ______________ workers and artisans.

5. New ____________ and _____________ actors appeared in our country in the 1940's, because of a diversification of the society. 

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